Episode 129: Courage Comes Out Of THIS…

“We don’t develop courage by being happy every day. We develop it by surviving difficult times and challenging diversity.” – Barbara De’Angelis

I feel that the tribe I have created and continue to grow is truly my life’s mission and work. Just know that without the rain, there would never be a rainbow.

You are never alone, and although there are numerous differences between each of us, there is an equal amount of similarities.

“Beautiful opportunities can also bring serious amounts of fear.” But, just remember that everything you want is on the other side of fear.

At the end of the day, all that really matters is that you are running toward your bliss.

“It’s not finding your bliss, it’s following your bliss.” – Joseph Campbell

In This Episode You Will Hear About:

  • Self Development
  • The Bliss Habit
  • Practice
  • Habit
  • Meditation
  • Tribe
  • Foundation
  • Courage
  • Fear
  • Resistance


Follow me on social media @LoriHarder on Instagram and Lori Harder on Facebook.

You can also see more at my website: LoriHarder.com

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/loriharder/129_Courage_Comes_From_THIS….mp3″]

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